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Амодуль:Location map/data/Croatia

Аматериал Авикипедиа аҟынтә - зхы иақәиҭу аенциклопедиа
Location map of Croatia
name Croatia
13.1 ←↕→ 19.9
map center 44°27′ ҩ. ҭ., 16°30′ мг. н.
image Croatia_location_map.svg
image1 Croatia relief map.png
image2 Relief map of Croatia.png
image3 Satellite image of Croatia in September 2003.jpg
image4 Reliefkarte Kroatien schaerfer.png
Map of Croatia

Амодуль:Location map/data/Croatia is a location map definition used to overlay markers and labels on an equirectangular projection map of Croatia. The markers are placed by latitude and longitude coordinates on the default map or a similar map image.


These definitions are used by the following templates when invoked with parameter "Croatia":

Map definition

  • name = Croatia
    Name used in the default map caption
  • bottom = 42.1
    Latitude at bottom edge of map, in decimal degrees
  • left = 13.1
    Longitude at left edge of map, in decimal degrees
  • right = 19.9
    Longitude at right edge of map, in decimal degrees

Alternative map

The {{Location map}}, {{Location map many}}, and {{Location map+}} templates have parameters to specify an alternative map image. The map displayed as image1 can be used with the relief or AlternativeMap parameters. The maps displayed as image2 / image3 / image4 can be used with the AlternativeMap parameter. Examples may be found below or in the following:


Longitude: from West to East this map definition covers 6.8 degrees.

  • At an image width of 200 pixels, that is 0.034 degrees per pixel.
  • At an image width of 1000 pixels, that is 0.0068 degrees per pixel.

Latitude: from North to South this map definition covers 4.7 degrees.

  • At an image height of 200 pixels, that is 0.0235 degrees per pixel.
  • At an image height of 1000 pixels, that is 0.0047 degrees per pixel.

Examples using location map templates

Location map, using default map (image)

Zagreb is located in Croatia
Zagreb (Croatia)
{{Location map | Croatia
| width   = 250
| lat_deg = 45.82
| lon_deg = 15.98
| label   = Zagreb

Location map many, using relief map (image1)

Ашаблон:Location map many

{{Location map many | Croatia
| relief   = yes
| width    = 250
| caption  = Two locations in Croatia
| lat1_deg = 45.82
| lon1_deg = 15.98
| label1   = Zagreb
| lat2_deg = 45.35
| lon2_deg = 19.00
| label2   = Vukovar

Location map+, using AlternativeMap

Ашаблон:Location map+

{{Location map+ | Croatia
| AlternativeMap = LocationmapCroatia.png
| width   = 350
| caption = Three locations in Croatia
| places  =
  {{Location map~ | Croatia
  | lat_deg    = 45.82
  | lon_deg    = 15.98
  | label      = Zagreb
  | background = lightgreen
  | mark       = Green_pog.svg
  {{Location map~ | Croatia
  | lat_deg    = 45.35
  | lon_deg    = 19.00
  | label      = Vukovar
  | background = orange
  | mark       = Orange_pog.svg
  {{Location map~ | Croatia
  | lat_deg    = 42.64
  | lon_deg    = 18.11
  | label      = Dubrovnik
  | background = yellow
  | mark       = Yellow_pog.svg

See also

Location map templates

Creating new map definitions

return {
	name = 'Croatia',
	top = 46.8,
	bottom = 42.1,
	left = 13.1,
	right = 19.9,
	image = 'Croatia_location_map.svg',
	image1 = 'Croatia relief map.png',
	image2 = 'Relief map of Croatia.png',
	image3 = 'Satellite image of Croatia in September 2003.jpg',
	image4 = 'Reliefkarte Kroatien schaerfer.png'