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Алахәыла ахцәажәара:Fraxinus.cs

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Аматериал Авикипедиа аҟынтә - зхы иақәиҭу аенциклопедиа
   Ирласны ахархәара Бзиала шәаабеит аԥсуа википедиаҿы!
Раԥхьатәи ашьаҿақәа Википедиа алахәылацәа рыхьӡала аԥсуа бызшәа аҩшараҿ аԥсшәа шәасҳәоит.

Ԥрызхьаԥш ихадароу апринципқәа ахарахәраҿы: шәацәымшәакәа гәыразыла имҩақәышәҵа.

Асгьы иауеит аҵаҩра
Википедиа аҿы иҟоу астатиақәа иаҭахуп аҵаҩра (авторцәа рсиа ишьақәгылоит ирласны астатиа аҭоурых ариашараҿ) аха шәара ишәҭахызар аицәажәара аҽалархәра афорум аҿы, ма даҽа даҟьақәак рҿы, иаҵашәҩла, шәхы иашәырхәа ҧшьдыргак тильда (~~~~), ма иахәҭоу ақәаӷәӷәага. Напыла ахьыӡшьар напыла арбара аҭахым.

Алахәылашәа шәара шәдаҟьаҿ ишәылшоит ишәҳәар маҷӡк шәхазы акы, иуҳәозар абызшәазы ижәдыруа, ма аинтерес зҵоу хҭыск.

Иара убас ишәозар азҵаара шәхы иашәырхәа асистематә цхыраара. Иара убас ишәзымԥшаазар аҭак ишәымаз азҵаараҿ, шәазҵаа апроект афорумаҿ, ма аус адышәул шәдаҟьаҿ ахцәажәарала, ианышәҵы уа {{helpme}} шәтекст азҵаара иазықәгылоу — шәара ишәыцхраауеит.

Ус ишәзалымҵуазар астатиа ариашара, аха шәгәы иҭазар иарахьы азыхынҳәра, ибжьашәыргыл атекст алагамҭаз {{In use|~~~~}}, егьырҭ алахәцәа ирдыруазарц.

Даҽаныхгьы бзиала шәаабеит!

Hello and welcome to the Abkhazian Wikipedia! We appreciate your contributions. If your Abkhazian skills are not good enough, that’s no problem. We have an embassy where you can inquire for further information in your native language. We hope you enjoy your time here!
Астатиақәа рыхьӡ
Урҭ астатиақәа рхархәара
Аԥҟарақəа арбарқәа
Аиллиустрациақәа рыҭара
Автортə зинқәа
Ацхыраагӡатә жәар

Surprizi (обсуждение) 14:32, 1 ажьырныҳәа 2018 (UTC)

Work on flag templates

[акод аредакциазура]

Hi! About flags I think, if we decided to make enciclopedia we first should know correct name of the country, without probability and our imaiginations!!! So I know one good place which can become for abwiki like compass. This is Abkhazian language site where we can see news into ап,сшэа. So inside the site someware it is possible to find latest, correct names of some countries. Without this we havenot right to make articles or flag templetes.-Surprizi (обсуждение) 14:35, 5 ажьырныҳәа 2021 (UTC)

Hello. Good idea. ;-) Sputnik-ab might be a good resource, but it will be about waiting for a place or situation to happen, in order to extract the names we need. In the meanwhile, I found this: http://apsnyteka.org/file/Terminologichesky_slovar_1960_abh.pdf Maybe you already saw this, but it is a good reference too. I will look for another sourcebook. Ah, too bad, there is no sandbox to create a listof confirmed and correct names.--Fraxinus.cs (обсуждение) 17:21, 5 ажьырныҳәа 2021 (UTC)
I think this book is not useful for us, because it is old one. For example word Абаӷәаза is written like Абаӷуаза. This is old stile and this will give us on the wrong way! Beside that, this is just vocebulary and all that wards is possible to find in Kaslandzias book.-Surprizi (обсуждение) 08:46, 6 ажьырныҳәа 2021 (UTC)

Недерландтәи Антилтәи Адгьылбжьахақәа--Surprizi (обсуждение) 17:31, 9 ажьырныҳәа 2021 (UTC)

Thank you. I have a proposal: to write the verified names on the discusion page of the article.--Fraxinus.cs (обсуждение) 19:15, 9 ажьырныҳәа 2021 (UTC)
As I informed, very soon will publish new book with geographical names into abshwa.-Surprizi (обсуждение) 09:28, 10 ажьырныҳәа 2021 (UTC)

Hi dear friend! I think you are hurrying somewhere, but where I don't know! Anyway I will delete everything what you will mark, but be more patient! There is no need hurry!!! This is Wikipedia and how you will not increase speed anyway Abwiki will unfinished. ok? :-)--Surprizi (обсуждение) 13:52, 3 жәабран 2021 (UTC)

Hello. Sorry, sometimes it is a bad call from my side, but this is a pain that must be endured, there is no other way. Occasionally I make a mistake, for example a mistype in the name of the category which means more work for me or you, and sometimes I have to deal with someone else's "work". But on the other hand, this wiki now looks much better than before. And there are lots of articles I haven't reviewed yet, so I am hurrying to do everything from А то Ә. Quite recently I have had a lot of time. I had 11 days holiday (taken my days off from my work), but in the same time, majority of my own family got infected by "you know what, so even if I was not ill, I still had to stay at home sitting, in my country everything is still closed down. And I am now too old for just playing computer games all the day everyday... So this concludes my answer.--Fraxinus.cs (обсуждение) 15:12, 3 жәабран 2021 (UTC)
Ok! Thank you for your additions and job in abwiki!--Surprizi (обсуждение) 07:41, 4 жәабран 2021 (UTC)

https://ab.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%90%D1%88%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BD:Date# Comma already added.Surprizi (обсуждение) 15:39, 26 мшаԥымза 2021 (UTC)[аҭак ҟаҵатәуп]

AUD Австралиатәи адоллар
AZN Азербаиџьантәи аманаҭ
AMD Аерман драмқәав
BYR Белоруссиатәи амааҭқәа
BGN Болгариатәи алев
BRL Бразилиатәи ареал
HUF Венгриатәи афоринтқәа
KRW Кореиатәи Ареспублика авонқәа
DKK Даниатәи акронқәа
INR Индиатәи арупиқәа
KZT Ҟазахтәи атенгеқәа
CAD Канадатәи адоллар
KGS Ҟырҕызтәи асомқәа
CNY Китаитәи аиуанқәа
LVL Латвиатәи алат
LTL Литватәи алит
MDL Молдавиатәи алеиқәа
RON Румыниатәи алеи ҿыцқәа
TMT Ҭуркмениатәи аманаҭ ҿыц
NOK Норвегиатәи акронқәа
PLN Польшатәи азлотықәа
XDR АҧАзҶ (аҧсахра азин ҷыда)
SGD Сингапуртәи адоллар
TJS Ҭаџьықьтәи асомониқәа
TRY Ҭырқәтәылатәи алира
UZS Узбеқьтәи асумқәа
UAH Украинатәи гривнақәа
GBP Еиду акралра афунт стерлинг
CZK Чехиатәи акронқәа
SEK Швециатәи акронқәа
CHF Швеицариатәи афранк
ZAR Аладаафрикатәи арендқәа
JPY Иапониатәи аиенқәа

Asalame, jsi administrátor na Abchazské Wikipedii, chci vytvořit článek o tamním ozbrojeném konfliktu pomocí karty "{{Ozbrojený konflikt" Snažím se to napsat v abcházštině ({{Abџyar eibaҭou aimak), ale nemůžete přijít na to, co napsat do názvu karty?-- Ари алагала инапынҵамҭада иациҵеит алахәыла Scrooge muc.duck (ахцәажәараалагалақәа) 10:30, 15 рашәарамза 2022 (UTC)[аҭак ҟаҵатәуп]

I see on your profile you are able to communicate in English. Therefore I would ask you to not using the translator to write me. It does not work very well and it did funny things with the important parts of your question. :) So I am not quite sure what you want from me. Do you want to create a template for the armed conflicts? As long as I know something like this does not exist on this wikipedia yet. If yes, I believe you are not experienced enough to create one, and my knowledge of the Abkhaz language is not sufficient enough to do it myself. First there should be some rather long pages about conflicts. We can create a template later. And, I am not the administrator. I am just an ordinary user like you.--Fraxinus.cs (ахцәажәара) 12:22, 15 рашәарамза 2022 (UTC)[аҭак ҟаҵатәуп]

Why do you keep reverting my edits

[акод аредакциазура]

Please read my edit summaries bc there are valid reasons why u should keep them. 19:47, 2 жәабранмза 2024 (UTC)[аҭак ҟаҵатәуп]

Because you mess up with alphabets of languages, one of them is my mother tongue and the second one is closest to be like my mother tongue. You can't just delete "ch" without explenation. If you have any, it would be invalid anyway. "ch" sounds like "х" in either Abkhaz or Russian. And in Slovak language "dž" is not a single letter, it too is a digraph, just like "ch".--Fraxinus.cs (ахцәажәара) 20:38, 2 жәабранмза 2024 (UTC)[аҭак ҟаҵатәуп]
First of all (in case ur wondering I’m the same I.P) you made some spelling mistakes. 2nd, if it’s a digraph, then why is it considered a separate letter? 3rd, if a entire orthography considers a digraph to be a separate letter AND has Unicode encoding and it would look the same anyway, (Dz, dz looks exactly like Dz, dz but LL, ll dinnae looks like Ỻ, ỻ) then why not use the actual Unicode character rather than use 2 makeshift characters? 20:46, 16 жәабранмза 2024 (UTC)[аҭак ҟаҵатәуп]
OMG. All the digraphs in the Slavic languages are written by two letters. Never as a single letter no matter what the microsofties did with Unicode! We always write Ch on a keyboard by typing both C and h. There has never been any option to write Ch by a single key. The same applies on Dz and Dž in Slovak language. And stop arguing about that with a native speaker! Fraxinus.cs (ахцәажәара) 22:47, 16 жәабранмза 2024 (UTC)[аҭак ҟаҵатәуп]
Yeah it would be impractical for there to be a big character that looks just like 2 symbols (not to mention it would stick out like a sore thumb and the keyboard would look quite different to fit other characters with the Dz and Dž ligatures around) but, even if there was sh and ch and th ligatures in Unicode a native English speaker would prob not consider them as separate letters. (E.g the French don’t typically consider Æ and Œ to be separate letters(ok maybe that was a bad example cuz u would prob tell the graphical difference between AE and Æ and OE and Œ)) 15:48, 17 жәабранмза 2024 (UTC)[аҭак ҟаҵатәуп]
Why are you reverting my transliterations? 17:45, 17 жәабранмза 2024 (UTC)[аҭак ҟаҵатәуп]
Because you keep doing what you are doing. And you are doing everything wrong. Fraxinus.cs (ахцәажәара) 17:57, 17 жәабранмза 2024 (UTC)[аҭак ҟаҵатәуп]