Амодуль:ISO 639 name/ISO 639 override
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Амодуль:ISO 639 name/ISO 639 override
--[[--------------------------< O V E R R I D E _ 1 >----------------------------------------------------------
Language codes and names in this table override the ISO 639 names in: Module:Lang/data/iana languages
local override_1 = {
["bo"] = {"Истандарту атибеттәи абызшәа"}, -- en.wiki preferred; Tibetan
["el"] = {"Абырзен бызшәа"}, -- Modern Greek (1453-)
["ht"] = {"Аҳаититәи акреол бызшәа"}, -- en.wiki preferred; Haitian
-- ["mo"] = {"Амолдав бызшәа"}, -- deprecated in ISO 639, still in use at en.wiki
["st"] = {"Асесото бызшәа"}, -- Southern Sotho; match ISO 639-2; en.wiki preferred
["to"] = {"Атонга бызшәа"}, -- en.wiki preferred; Tonga (Tonga Islands)
--[[--------------------------< O V E R R I D E _ 2 >----------------------------------------------------------
Language codes and names in this table override the ISO 639 names in: Module:ISO 639 name/ISO 639-2
local override_2 = {
-- ["ang"] = {"Ажәытә англыз бызшәа"}, -- English, Old (ca.450-1100)
["bod"] = {"Истандарту атибеттәи абызшәа"}, -- en.wiki preferred; Tibetan
-- ["dum"] = {"Middle Dutch"}, -- Dutch, Middle (ca.1050-1350)
["egy"] = {"Ажәытәӡамысратәи абызшәа"}, -- Egyptian (Ancient)
["ell"] = {"Абырзен бызшәа"}, -- Greek, Modern (1453-)
-- ["enm"] = {"Middle English"}, -- English, Middle (1100-1500)
-- ["frm"] = {"Middle French"}, -- French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)
-- ["fro"] = {"Ажәытә францыз бызшәа"}, -- French, Old (842-ca.1400)
-- ["gmh"] = {"Middle High German"}, -- German, Middle High (ca.1050-1500)
-- ["goh"] = {"Old High German"}, -- German, Old High (ca.750-1050)
-- ["grc"] = {"Ажәытә бырзен бызшәа"}, -- Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
["hat"] = {"Аҳаититәи акреол бызшәа"}, -- en.wiki preferred; Haitian
-- ["mga"] = {"Middle Irish"}, -- Irish, Middle (900-1200)
-- ["mol"] = {"Амолдав бызшәа"}, -- deprecated in ISO 639, still in use at en.wiki
["nbl"] = {"Алада-ндебеле бызшәа"}, -- Ndebele, South or South Ndebele
["nde"] = {"Аҩада-ндебеле бызшәа"}, -- Ndebele, North or North Ndebele
["nob"] = {"Абукмол"}, -- Bokmål, Norwegian or Norwegian Bokmål
-- ["non"] = {"Old Norse"}, -- Norse, Old
-- ["ota"] = {"Ottoman Turkish"}, -- Turkish, Ottoman (1500-1928)
-- ["peo"] = {"Old Persian"}, -- Persian, Old (ca.600-400 B.C.)
["pro"] = {"Аокситан бызшәа"}, -- Provençal, Old (to 1500) or Occitan, Old (to 1500)
-- ["sga"] = {"Old Irish"}, -- Irish, Old (to 900)
["sot"] = {"Асесото бызшәа"}, -- Sotho, Southern; en.wiki preferred
["ton"] = {"Атонга бызшәа"}, -- en.wiki preferred; Tonga (Tonga Islands)
--[[--------------------------< O V E R R I D E _ 2 B >--------------------------------------------------------
Language codes and names in this table override the ISO 639 names in: Module:ISO 639 name/ISO 639-2B
local override_2B = {
["gre"] = {"Абырзен бызшәа"}, -- Greek, Modern (1453-)
["tib"] = {"Истандарту атибеттәи абызшәа"}, -- en.wiki preferred; Tibetan
--[[--------------------------< O V E R R I D E _ 3 >----------------------------------------------------------
Language codes and names in this table override the ISO 639 names in: Module:ISO 639 name/ISO 639-3
local override_3 = {
["bod"] = {"Истандарту атибеттәи абызшәа"}, -- en.wiki preferred; Tibetan
["egy"] = {"Ажәытәӡамысратәи абызшәа"}, -- Egyptian (Ancient)
["ell"] = {"Абырзен бызшәа"}, -- Modern Greek (1453-)
["haa"] = {"Аҳен бызшәа"}, -- to avoid redirect; Han
["hat"] = {"Аҳаититәи акреол бызшәа"}, -- en.wiki preferred; Haitian
-- ["mol"] = {"Амолдав бызшәа"}, -- deprecated in ISO 639, still in use at en.wiki as ISO 639-1 mo
['mte'] = {"Амоно-алу бызшәа"}, -- en.wiki preferred; Mono (Solomon Islands)
["nbl"] = {"Алада-ндебеле бызшәа"}, -- South Ndebele
["nde"] = {"Аҩада-ндебеле бызшәа"}, -- North Ndebele
["pms"] = {"Апиемонт бызшәа"}, -- ISO 639-3 name is Piemontese; to match en.wiki article title
["pnb"] = {"Апенџаб бызшәа"}, -- Western Panjabi, a dab; en.wiki preferred
["sot"] = {"Асесото бызшәа"}, -- Southern Sotho; match ISO 639-2; en.wiki preferred
["ton"] = {"Атонга бызшәа"}, -- en.wiki preferred; Tonga (Tonga Islands)
--[[--------------------------< O V E R R I D E _ 5 >----------------------------------------------------------
Language codes and names in this table override the ISO 639 names in: Module:ISO 639 name/ISO 639-5
local override_5 = {
--[[--------------------------< O V E R R I D E _ D E P >------------------------------------------------------
Language codes and names in this table override the ISO 639 names in: Module:ISO 639 name/ISO 639 deprecated
local override_dep = {
--[[--------------------------< A R T I C L E _ L I N K >------------------------------------------------------
for those rare occasions when article titles don't fit with the normal '<language name> language', this table
maps language code to article title. Use of this table should be avoided and the use of redirects preferred as
that is the long-standing method of handling article names that don't fit with the normal pattern
local article_name = {
["lij"] = {"Алигур бызшәа"}, -- Ligurian; see Template_talk:Lang#Ligurian_dab
['mbo'] = {"Амбо бызшәа (Камерун)"}, -- Mbo (Cameroon)
['mnh'] = {"Амоно бызшәа (Конго)"}, -- Mono (Democratic Republic of Congo); see Template_talk:Lang#Mono_languages
['mnr'] = {"Амоно бызшәа (Калифорниа)"}, -- Mono (USA)
['mru'] = {"Амоно бызшәа (Камерун)"}, -- Mono (Cameroon)
["xlg"] = {"Ажәытә лигур бызшәа"}, -- see Template_talk:Lang#Ligurian_dab
["zmw"] = {"Амбо бызшәа (Конго)"}, -- Mbo (Democratic Republic of Congo)
--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D T A B L E S >------------------------------------------------
override_1 = override_1,
override_2 = override_2,
override_2B = override_2B,
override_3 = override_3,
override_5 = override_5,
override_dep = override_dep,
article_name = article_name,