Акатегориа:PAGESINCATEGORY ахыԥхьаӡара аноль TOC акатегориа ду ашаблон адаҟьақәа рахь ауп

Аматериал Авикипедиа аҟынтә - зхы иақәиҭу аенциклопедиа
PAGESINCATEGORY returns zero on TOC templates

{{TOC акатегориа ду}} uses {{PAGESINCATEGORY}} to count the number of pages in a category.

However, as of 1 April 2020, there seems to be some issue with {{PAGESINCATEGORY}} falsely returning zero in some cases. This category tracks all pages where the count is reported as zero (or less), so that the veracity of the number can be checked.

Ари акатегориа уажәтәиаамҭа адаҟьазаалакгьы, афаилзаалакгьы дҭаком.